Monday, June 13, 2011

Flying Snake

At the first when is saw this snake i thought it is just a clip of which is edited as if the snake is flying but when i searched for the flying snake it was very amazing that a snake is flying but actually these snakes dose not fly but they Glide and ride on the air through the help of their skin which flats when they jump in the air from a high place. The flying snakes almost travel from one tree to an other tree and from a high place to ground and on rock or on the some thing else
The common known flying snake is called with the name of Chrysopelea. The venom of these snakes is calculated as at the middle means the venom of the flying snake is not so high and not so normal. They are not dangerous for humans because their toxicity is harmless to us. The flying snake moves his body in zig zag so it helps him to glide in the air. The flying snakes are more high level of gliders than the flying squirrels the flying snakes glides almost One Hundred meters in the air.
The flying snakes have become an object of research to the scientists they are re surching that how the snake is able to more distance by flying what the factors are responsible for that kind of gliding an experiment has proved that the snakes that are smaller in size and low in weight are more able to glide in air for more distance. As the flying snakes are snakes so they eat what ever the other snakes like to eat such as Frogs, Birds, Eggs, Lizards and Bats etc. There are Five kinds of species found of Flying snakes. Sirilankan Flying snakes, Moluccan Flying snakes, Banded Flying Snakes, Paradise Tree Snakes and Golden Tree snake.

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