Sunday, June 5, 2011

Flying Fish

Look at that fish Yes! it can fly. This is the view which one who had saw he could not forget it and he would be amazed to see this creature the Beautiful Nature's Nature How would a fish which lives in the water eats in the water and spending his whole life in the water but an other fish who is living in the water but with the water it is flying like a bird in the sky and taking joy and happiness, what would that fish would thinking absolutely the flying of this fish have some solid reasons, may be the flying would be very necessary for its life though other fishes can not fly but some fishes like Dolphin, Shark can jump a little in the air now lets get some Biological life and way of living of this amazing creature Birdfish. 
This creature Birdfish is the fish of marine flying fish family. This fish can fly about Twenty foot High in the air and can make distance of Four to Four and a Half of meter. from the starting of the pictures there is a video of Japanese TV channel in which a Flying Fish is spending Forty Five seconds in Air which is record the previous record which was captured in a clip that was Forty Two seconds The Good Knows better how much this fish has the power to fly  and who much time it can spent in the air, some of the flying fishes are found lending on deck of the ships.It proves that they are flying so much high and covering long distance. The calculations are saying that these fishes can travel in the air at the speed of Seventy Kilometers per Hour or more then Seventy Kilometers per Hour no doubt that is awesome. The flying fishes are living almost in every kind of ocean specially tropical and warm subtropical see. Their special tool is there pectoral fin which is reason of there popularity, the pectoral fin helps them to scape from the predators to jump out from the water and fly a long distance over the surface of the water and the pectoral fin makes them easy to fly in the air as they take a little oxygen from the air and making there body fresh in the air from the warm water atmosphere. As the flying fish starts take off  his tail moves on the surface at the speed of Seventy times per second in zig zag formation that gives him the help to move onward and fast and helps him glide on the air. 

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