Friday, November 2, 2012

Creepy Faced Caterpillar

It's amazing and very nice Creepy but Beautiful creature.

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Larkana City and Indus Civilation

The Larkana city is my native city, but my birth place is, in Saudi Arabia. As I had grown up in Larkana and my hole family including my Mother and Father are also from Larakana. Through that point I know Larkana city as my native place.
One of the most Historical places in the world the "City of Dead" called the Moen-jo-Daro is situated near Larkana city. Moen-jo-Daro is 27 kilometers away from Larkana city but it is included in District Larkana Area.
This ancient civilization of the Indus river, Indus valley is the breading ground for worlds oldest civilization.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Butterfly wallpapers forbidden beauty

Nature has its own forbidden beauties that man can never understand, because human is the most selfish creature that Nature has created. 

Butterfly is most beautiful insect that claims the title of Insect Queen.
Butterfly wallpapers

Friday, December 2, 2011

Bear and dog Fight (Passing the boundries of Humanity)

I am feeling very upset on those, who called them selves 'Humans!'
 But in my opinion they are so for away form pure and nice feeling of Humanity. They are smashing the pure name with there bad and cruel deeds. They do not belong to any kind of species like Human. They are ruined by themselves they are cruel, they are the the evils living amongst us, we should have to recognize them and point them out, through out the whole Planet, so any one can know them and hate them.

                  The bear and dog fight is no doubt cruel, but why it happens?
Two dogs are fighting with a brown bear who is tied up with a rope

The main reason of bear fighting is bating and collecting money. Before 1995 the bear fight was known as sport and was arranged by the local Land Lord except that in 1972 the bear and dog fighting was restricted and was banned by the Government of Pakistan it is also prohibited in the religion of Islam. But the in rural areas of Pakistan lack of education and being away from the religion are main causes that these cruel people are engaged in thins hilarious act of evilness.
 If the fight is forbeding than why it is arranged and hwo it is arranged ?
The local Land Lord called "Wadero" shows his power to the local people that except the fight is forbidden  I have so much power that I am arranging it! The Police of the local area is also related in this cruel act they are paid heavy money by the land lord 'Wadero'.

Tooth less bear, presenting for fight
A bear for fight

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Pets, or our need!!!

The description of Pet is quite easy. The Pet is a friend to a lonely person or some persons mostly like to spent time with there pets instead of there friends or family, because they get what they want! Its all about time and happiness and the feelings some times other persons do not realize but the pet you are living with knows very well and that's why we live our pets very much. And some times it is also seen that some one found a little puppy weeping and crying alone with misery in a corner and than a girl came near and she felt very sorry and took him up, after passing time the girl liked the little dog and the dog also liked the girl and the relation of pet starts very nicely.
Lovely pets

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Cruelty why??

Please share this on, this is serious cruelty.

Denmark is a big shame.

The sea is stained in red and it is not because of the climate effects of nature. It's because of the cruelty of the human beings (civilized human) who kill hundreds of the famous and intelligent Calderon dolphins.

This happens every year in Feroe Island in Denmark . In this slaughter the main participants are young teens.

A celebration, to show that they are adults and mature!

In this big celebration, nothing is missing for the fun. Everyone is participating in one way or the other, killing or looking at the cruelty supporting like a spectator

Is it necessary to mention that the dolphin Calderon, like all the other species of dolphins, it's near extinction and they get near men to play and interact.
In a way of PURE friendship.

They don't die instantly; they are cut 1, 2 or 3 times with thick hooks. And at that time the dolphins produce a grim cry like that of a new born child.

But he suffers and there's no compassion while this magnificent creature slowly dies in its own blood

Its enough!

We will publish until this post goes around the world that many more people will know about this shameful Dannish acts.

Take care of the world, it is your home!

SHARE this messages as a sign Against this cruelty

Figter Chicken

Brutal chicken fights

This kind of  chicken fights mostly take place in rural parts of Sind and Punjab. The majority of these fights are  about gambling. You simply put your chicken in the fight while you and other people make bates on it that who will be THE LAST MAN STANDING! 

World's most Beautiful Bird "Peecock"
Report of Riaz Suhail.

The Beautiful bird Mr.Peacock of Pakistan's Desert region Thar is know a a day's rarely to see. In local society of Thar the peacock is known as a symbol of beauty, good fortune and Holy singes. Forty kilometers away from the District Head Quarters there is a village Named "Deadh ser" based upon almost One Hundred Houses, found more than One Hundred and fifty Peacock's.
            Primary Teacher Muhammad Maro told that, Past some years ago there were no Peacocks in our village but one or tow use to come from near by villages, the villagers started feeding them and the Punchait had made a  Local role " The Hunting of Peacocks is Prohibited Strongly, any one found guilty he should pay the amount of Five Thousand Rupees." After the role made the amount of Peacocks had increased.Now the villagers are so happy on there decision. Though the Thar is a Border side and the border Forces Rangers Tried to catch or hunt birds but the villagers showed anger and they were not allowing them to catch or hunt.
             In the rainy seasons Female Peacocks lay eggs. In this season the greedy kind of people like to stole the eggs and sale them in the big cities through the help of some local greedy peoples by Trucks.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sindhi Fighter cocks (Murgha)

chicken fights

This kind of  chicken fights mostly take place in rural parts of Sind and Punjab. The majority of these fights are  about gambling. You simply put your chicken in the fight while you and other people make bates on it that who will be THE LAST MAN STANDING! 

The experts of fighter chickens have some technique of separating the species of Aseel (A Specialist fighter and deadly kick fighter chicken) and Tariro ( A lazy and running away from fight chicken) chicken  the main point of recognizing the Aseel cock is the Sharp weapon on his leg the weapon should be one finger distance away from the claw of the cock means if you insert the finger between the space of the claw and leg weapon, the finger will hardly be inserted in the space between.

 The other technique of recognizing the Aseel chock is the Eye, yes! A chicken which you are choosing it's Eye should be small and pointing and beautiful.

And the other technique of recognizing the Aseel cock is the running and the walking way. The Aseel cocks runs like tigers.

The chickens that win the fight, they are becoming the most expensive chicken in the town. The ordenary chichens own the rate of at least Rs:350/= Pakistani. But the chicken how is new winner and champion is worthy of at least Rs:90'000/= is'nt that intresting Han ? Han?
Believe it or Not It's True 100% True.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Pakistan Railway

As I reached the railway station it was 08:00 PM I thought this the time of Qalandri Express as it's time was 09:30 PM so I went to the cabin where tickets are drawn, I asked the officer that, "Which train is ready to go for larkana?
It is the Cant Station of Karachi

He said, "Khush Hal Khan Khatak express will reach near by". I was not surprised to listen that and I know the time of Khush Hal Khan Khatak Express is 3:30 PM because the trains were late so I bought ticket in Khush Hal Khan Khatak at Rs:-370/= I said sir! Please reserve my seat and he laughed at me and said son! the Computer networking is not working since several weeks please contact with the ticket collector of the your train he will issue you a seat.
Khush Hal Khan Khatak Express worlds most slow Train
                          First of all I want you to Know the original timing of the Trains.
Khush Hal Khan Khatak          To                Larkana                     02:30 PM
Boolan Express                        To                Larkana                     40:30 PM
Qalandri Express                      To                Larkana                     09:30 PM

After some time the Khush Hal Khan Khatak Express came 06 Hours Late quickly I had taken a seat but rather than the train runs towards the Larkana it went forward to the Last station of Pakistan City Station Karachi.
City station and it's Lovely days Never Came back again

When we reached at the city station the workers of the train came and said you all have go down from the train the should be empty the is going to wash. We all came out from the train and the train went for the washing. After some time the Boolan express and the Qalandri Express reached at the station the were marched together and the Peoples were saying that Qalandri express and boolan mail express will start first than Khush Hal Khan Khatak Express. I went to the ticket collector and bought a seat 27 no seat and 02 no Box and paid a sum of Rs:-50/= and went to the train Qalandri but when it was too late than suddenly people started running to wards the Khush Hall Khan Khatak Express I went to the ticket collector of Khush Hal Khan Khatak Express he said this is the first train which will leave the station after us Qalandri and boolan will go. I was shocked and run to the Ticket collector of Qalandri Express he was not there an other person was there I said sir be kind and please cancel my seat of Qalandri Express and return me the amount of Rs:-50/= as I am going in the Khush Hal Khan Khatak he denied and said I can't do any thing, mean while the Khush Hal Khan Khatak Express started, I made a quick run to the train and got a seat not knowing who had reserved the seat and I seated silently. Know I was in Khush Hal Khan Khatak Express and I had bought seat in Qalandri Express and Yes It was 02:00 AM when the Khush Hal Khan Khatak Express start the Train was 12 Hours Late. When we reached at the Kotri station a man came in and said to a person who was seated near me, "Gentleman ! this my seat, please stand up and leave the seat.. " I took a huge breath Oh God thanks It was not I standing from the seat. As we went further and was so near to reach the Larkana at

Sewan Shareef
Sewan Station a person who was seated behind me was also ordered to leave the seat but with the grace of All Mighty Allah I was seated along the Way from Karachi to Larkana and reached at my home.
Larkana Railway Station Always Empty
City school I live near it